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Reference Manual

Note: The Related Task Search at O*NET OnLine has been replaced with the Job Duties Custom List feature. Results documented below may vary from O*NET OnLine's current functionality.

The Related Task search consists of three parts:

  1. The user selects their current occupation through a keyword search.
  2. The user selects one or more task statements from that occupation.
  3. Related occupations are shown which have similar tasks.

To learn more about the search, see the following technical report:[phrase or code]
   "keyword" : "pharmacist",
   "start" : 1,
   "end" : 6,
   "total" : 6,
   "occupation" : [
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "29-1051.00",
         "title" : "Pharmacists",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : false,
            "green" : false
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "31-9095.00",
         "title" : "Pharmacy Aides",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : false,
            "green" : false

This response implements the current occupation selection. Like the keyword search, call this service with an O*NET-SOC code, job title, or key words. Each occupation element contains a href attribute linking to the next step of the search.

The result list is paged, returning 20 occupations at a time by default. To navigate the full set of results, use the link rel="next" and link rel="prev" elements, or provide start and end parameters to jump directly to the desired results.

Tasks in occupation[O*NET-SOC code]
   "code" : "29-1051.00",
   "start" : 1,
   "end" : 16,
   "total" : 16,
   "task" : [
         "id" : 1808,
         "green" : false,
         "name" : "Review prescriptions to assure accuracy, to ascertain the needed ingredients, and to evaluate their suitability."
         "id" : 1809,
         "green" : false,
         "name" : "Provide information and advice regarding drug interactions, side effects, dosage, and proper medication storage."
         "id" : 1812,
         "green" : false,
         "name" : "Maintain records, such as pharmacy files, patient profiles, charge system files, inventories, control records for radioactive nuclei, or registries of poisons, narcotics, or controlled drugs."
         "id" : 1815,
         "green" : false,
         "name" : "Collaborate with other health care professionals to plan, monitor, review, or evaluate the quality or effectiveness of drugs or drug regimens, providing advice on drug applications or characteristics."

This response provides a list of task statements for the selected occupation. Within the Related Tasks search, a user chooses one or more tasks to find related occupations. Each task element contains an id attribute for use in the next step of the search.

The result list is paged, returning all task statements by default. To limit the results, provide start and end parameters to jump directly to the desired results.

Related occupations for tasks[O*NET-SOC code]?tasks=[list of IDs]
   "code" : "29-1051.00",
   "tasks" : "1809,1815",
   "start" : 1,
   "end" : 20,
   "total" : 67,
   "link" : [
         "href" : "",
         "rel" : "next"
   "occupation" : [
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "29-9092.00",
         "title" : "Genetic Counselors",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : true,
            "green" : false
         "related_tasks" : {
            "task" : [
                  "id" : 17506,
                  "green" : false,
                  "name" : "Discuss testing options and the associated risks, benefits and limitations with patients and families to assist them in making informed decisions."
                  "id" : 17504,
                  "green" : false,
                  "name" : "Provide counseling to patient and family members by providing information, education, or reassurance."
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "29-9099.01",
         "title" : "Midwives",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : true,
            "green" : false
         "related_tasks" : {
            "task" : [
                  "id" : 17476,
                  "green" : false,
                  "name" : "Evaluate patients' laboratory and medical records, requesting assistance from other practitioners when necessary."
                  "id" : 17485,
                  "green" : false,
                  "name" : "Provide information about the physical and emotional processes involved in the pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum periods."

This response provides occupations related to a user's current occupation, which perform tasks similar to the selected tasks. Call the service with the O*NET-SOC code of the user's current occupation, and a comma-separated list of the task IDs selected in the previous step.

The closest matches are returned first. Each occupation result includes a related_tasks section listing each of the similar tasks performed by this result occupation.

The result list is paged, returning 20 occupations at a time by default. To navigate the full set of results, use the link rel="next" and link rel="prev" elements, or provide start and end parameters to jump directly to the desired results.

In this section