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Reference Manual

Browse by Career Cluster

Cluster listing
   "career_cluster" : [
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "010100",
         "title" : "Advanced Manufacturing"
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "050100",
         "title" : "Agriculture"

This response lists Career Clusters, which group occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. The href attribute on each Cluster links to a listing of all occupations in that Cluster.

Career Clusters, Sub-Clusters, and linkages to SOC occupations are sourced from National Career Clusters® Framework external site by Advance CTE (2024 edition). Linkages to O*NET-SOC detailed occupations are developed by the National Center for O*NET Development.

Occupations in cluster[cluster code]
   "cluster" : "030100",
   "sort" : "pathway",
   "start" : 1,
   "end" : 20,
   "total" : 44,
   "link" : [
         "href" : "",
         "rel" : "next"
   "occupation" : [
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "13-2011.00",
         "title" : "Accountants and Auditors",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : true,
            "green" : false
         "career_cluster" : {
            "code" : "030100",
            "title" : "Financial Services"
         "career_pathway" : {
            "code" : "030101",
            "title" : "Accounting"
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "43-3011.00",
         "title" : "Bill and Account Collectors",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : false,
            "green" : false
         "career_cluster" : {
            "code" : "030100",
            "title" : "Financial Services"
         "career_pathway" : {
            "code" : "030101",
            "title" : "Accounting"

This response lists all occupations grouped into the requested Career Cluster. Instead of a Career Cluster code, developers may pass the value all to retrieve occupations in any cluster. The career_cluster element indicates each result's Cluster.

Each result also includes a career_pathway element, corresponding to Sub-Clusters within the framework. Sub-Clusters are more specific areas within a cluster. Some occupations belong to multiple Sub-Clusters; in these cases, the code -1 is used.

By default, returned occupations are sorted by Sub-Cluster and then by occupation title. When the value all is used, occupations are sorted by Career Cluster. You can change this by passing the optional sort parameter:

  • pathway - sort by Sub-Cluster (default)
  • name - sort by occupation title
  • code - sort by O*NET-SOC code
  • cluster - sort by Career Cluster (default when listing all Clusters)

The result list is paged, returning 20 occupations at a time by default. To navigate the full set of results, use the link rel="next" and link rel="prev" elements, or provide start and end parameters to jump directly to the desired results.

In this section